Tips for Boosting Trade Show Operations

A busy trade show is hectic. There are a lot of attendees coming and going. Some may become future customers and some may be current customers, so you want to make sure you give all of them the proper amount of attention and provide them with the right materials.

You, therefore, should plan for how you will operate your booth prior to the trade show. This plan will make ensure that everything gets done, whether it is slow or hectic or somewhere in between. Here are some tips to make sure that occurs (and to also make sure you have fun, too):


• Contemplate Trade Show Display Booth Flow. Your staff and attendees should be able to move about freely within your Trade Show Display Booth. Don’t let them bump into table corners, storage bins, or Trade Show Exhibits. A trade show expert can help you plan and set-up your Trade Show Booth accordingly.

• Set Limited Goals. Set two-three goals before the trade show and center your attention on attaining them (don’t despair if you don’t, just figure out why and make corrections for the next trade show).

• Figure Out Duties. In addition to determining what materials to distribute and what ads to display, figure out who will do what and at what times. Perhaps one employee will do a certain task all day or perhaps they’ll split tasks. Make sure everyone knows their duties and what’s expected beforehand.

• Account for Internet Crashes. Many trade show exhibitors rely on the Internet for displays, interactions, and communications. Such is great, but having so many people using Wi-Fi can crash even a terrific system. Always have a backup plan in place and ready to go.

• Watch Over the Process. Keep an eye on what’s going on. Of course you don’t want to annoy your employees, but you do want to make sure everything is running smoothly and answer all questions that might arise.


Next Level Displays

Next Level Displays is a leading Trade Show Expert, as well as a one-stop-shop for everything you need to proficiently exhibit at a trade show.

Trade Show Clients

Next Level Displays invests in clients and provides them with winning solutions that satisfy their every need. Its ability to meet their challenges allowed it to establish long-term relationships with over 250 diverse clients. See the list at:


Next Level Displays offers a wide variety of Trade Show Display Booths and Trade Show Exhibits for purchase or rent at every price point. It also offers:

• Tension Fabric Displays

• Steel Truss Displays

• Retractable Banner Stands

Portable Trade show Displays
Portable Trade show Displays

• Multi Pack Banner Stands

• Indoor and Outdoor Graphics

• Trade Show Accessories

• Hanging Signs for Trade Shows

• Custom Built Trade Show Displays

Portable Trade show Displays

• Event Furniture

• Custom Counters


• Kiosks

• Custom Display Cases

• Trade Show Accessories

Double Deck Displays

And, so much more.

Call Next Level Display at (866) 796-6398 or email at Or, see its website at

See Next Level Display’s latest projects at:


Tips for Easing Trade Show Set Up

Here are some tips for your morning trade show set up that should help make things go smoothly. Yes, some things will sound obvious. Just consider them gentle reminders.

Arrive Early

Getting there early allows you the freedom to comfortably set-up and fix any potential errors. Things always can and always go wrong. Being rushed is awful, so get there early and feel relax and at ease.

Get the Necessities

Find the registration area and gather your staff badges, show map, exhibitor directory, maps, and all other necessary materials.

Check Your Area

Check your area for set-up errors. These happen. Don’t get too upset, though. There are a lot of exhibitors jammed into a small room and sometimes there are only a few people to do the work. There’s a lot to do and only a little bit of time. Everyone really does put forth their best. But, sometimes booth measurements are incorrect, electrical outputs are wrong, there isn’t enough event furniture, the carpets aren’t situated correctly, deliveries aren’t there, supplies go missing, etc. Getting there early gives you the time to find the errors and make corrections.

Scope the Surroundings

Look around. Locate the contractors’ desks (electrician, laborers, etc.) and introduce yourself. If you’re working with an exhibitor-appointed contractor (EAC), find out through the local city manager plan on having a desk at the show floor. A token gift, such as a box of cookies or some kind of treat goes a long way.

Pinpoint the public vending machines and food truck drivers. Food trucks are oftentimes pretty good and very reasonable. Locate taxis, Ubers, etc., so you can respond to questions from staff and potential clients. Do the same for restrooms, coat checks, and other areas important to the public.

Walk around the center and take note of places to eat, drink coffee, get a snack, charge phones, get cash, office supplies, and rest. This may be important to you, as well as the public. You’ll certainly need a break at some point, too.


Now, it’s time to set up your booth. Hopefully, you’ve secured your Trade Show Displays and Trade Show Exhibits from a reliable professional upon whom you can rely.

Next Level Displays

Next Level Displays provides the highest quality Trade Show Displaysand Trade Show Exhibits, as well as everything else you need to set-up your booth. It provides:

Tension Fabric Displays

• Steel Truss Displays

• Retractable Banner Stands

• Multi Pack Banner Stands

• Indoor and Outdoor Graphics

• Trade Show Accessories

Hanging Signs for Trade shows

• Custom Built Trade Show Displays

• Portable Trade Show Displays

• Event Furniture

• Custom Counters

• Kiosks

• Custom Display Cases

And, so much more.

Next Level Displays is your one stop, turnkey trade show shop, from concept to completion, installation and dismantling and round trip shipping.

You can leave practically everything to the skilled, trained experts at Next Level Displays. Its inventories are conveniently located in New Orleans, Las Vegas, Chicago, Orlando, and Riverside, so it offers full turnkey services throughout the country.

Next Level Displays just extended its services to include warehousing, so it now offers booth and pallet storage, inventory control, pick and pack, and shipping.

Call Next Level Display at (866) 796-6398 or email at

See Next Level Display’s latest projects at:


Preparing Staff for a Trade Show

A great part of your trade show success hinges upon how your staff relates to attendees. Here are some suggestions on how to better prepare your staff and increase your success at trade shows.

Define Booth Staff Roles and Responsibilities

Before the trade show, make a list of those who will bemanning your booth. Consider their assets, skills, and strengths. There are certain jobs most booths require and sometimes it makes more sense to have specific individuals handle those tasks, according to their strengths, rather than have everyone doing all of them randomly.

Trade Show Booth Roles

Once you’ve thought about the traits of those who will be attending, you’re now ready to assign individuals to those tasks. Here are roles that are most common to trade shows:

o Collectors – these individuals go into the aisles, socialize with attendees, assess their interest in your product, and urge them to head over to the booth (politely and unobtrusively, of course)

o Anchors: these individuals’ welcome and log in visitors and take down their contact information. They additionally guide visitors to areas of interest, such as promotions, demonstrations, and games.

o Exhibitors: these individuals educate and entertain prospects and provide live demonstrations. They have good senses of humor and the ability to engage in conversation.

o Sales Representatives: these individuals are highly skilled at presenting sales pitches. They are also good at accumulating potential sales leads


Ultimately, it’s important to put together a team that functions and works well together. Make sure you clearly define the responsibilities and your expectations.

Now that you have a great staff, all you need next is a great booth.

Next Level Displays

Next Level Displays is the leading trade show expert. It offers a comprehensive collection of trade show displays to satisfy every budget. It can design and create a trade show display you can either buy or rent, according to your precise requirements.

Next Level Displays offers the most innovative, stylish, boldest, eye-catching trade show displays available, including:

o Tension Fabric Displays

o Hanging Signs for Trade Shows

o Portable Trade Show Displays

o Rental trade show booth

o Custom Trade Show Displays

o Banner Stands

o Double Deck Displays

o Bargain Displays

Its internal graphics department makes photomural panels, banners, banner stands, face mounts, fabrics, detachables, and 1st surface vinyl graphics. Large or small, it creates superior prints in a timely manner. Its expert design team can assist you with creating your one-of-a-kind booth. It further offers lighting, flooring, graphics, round trip shipping, and installation and dismantling.

Next Level Designs’ inventories are conveniently located in New Orleans, Las Vegas, Chicago, Orlando, and Riverside, so it offers full turnkey services throughout the country.

Next Level Displays just extended its services to include warehousing, so it now offers booth and pallet storage, inventory control, pick and pack, and shipping.

Call Next Level Display at (866) 796-6398 or email at Or, see its website at

See Next Level Display’s latest projects at:

Ways to Increase Your Success At Trade Shows

Whether you’re attending a trade show for the very first time or the 101st time, there are always you can use to improve your chances of making each and every one a success.

Portable Trade show Displays

Things To Do Before the Trade Show

What you do prior to the trade show is just as important as what you do at the trade show. Let those who could be potential customers and those you are seriously courting know you’re attending. Let current customers know, too. Trade shows offer perfect opportunities to connect with them, too. Send letters or postcards, email blasts, social media posts – anything and everything that advertises your upcoming appearance. Don’t forget to include promotional materials and perhaps even a coupon or some kind of reward for stopping by.

Think About Your Approach

How will you talk to those you’ll encounter? Customers, current and potential, not only like products and brands on which they can rely, but relationships on which they can rely. You create positive relationships with sincerity and familiar approaches. Try not to sound unemotional or as if you’re presenting a rehearsed sermon. People like talking about themselves and their lives. Engage warmly and listen.

Don’t Curb Your Enthusiasm

Enthusiasm and positivity affects the energy and people around you. Encourage those working with you to be confident and upbeat, too. Attendees don’t want to stop by a booth where the exhibiters are disinterested and negative. Warmly welcome people toward and into your booth and treat them respectfully, no matter their reaction. It will always have a positive result and they will remember.


Attendees enjoy having fun things to do, so give them an incentive to hang around. Show videos, handout promotional items or have a contest. Provide samples of your wares, sell raffles, have a contest, or come up with a game.


This step is vital, almost as important as attending the trade show. Cultivate the relationships you made and those you already established. Send out letters and emails and make phone calls.

Get a Great Booth

Granted, this step is out of order, but it really is the most important. Your trade show display is really what draws in people. Of course, much depends on you, but if your booth isn’t bold, attention grabbing, and doesn’t tell passersby exactly what your selling or providing, they will simply keep on passing you by.

Bigger is usually better. Large booths with hanging displays and multiple decks do tend to draw attendee’s attentions. If, however, you cannot afford such extravagance, opt for quality and go for vivid, bold, eye-catching graphics that will immediately catch people’s attentions. It’s just as good as a big display.

Next Level Displays

Next Level Displays is your premier trade show expert. It offers a wide selection of trade show displays at every price point. It can layout and construct a trade show display for purchase or rental according to your exact specifications.

Next Level Displays offers the most up-to-date, sophisticated, boldest, eye-catching trade show displays available, including:

o Tension Fabric Displays

o Hanging Signs for Trade Shows

o Portable Trade show Displays

o Trade Show Rental Booths

o Custom Trade Show Displays

o Banner Stands

o Two story exhibit displays

o Bargain Displays

Two story exhibit displays

Its in-house graphics department produces photomural panels, banners, banner stands, face mounts, fabrics, detachables, and 1st surface vinyl graphics. Large or small, it produces quality prints in a timely manner. Its trained, skilled, and experienced design team can help you create your booth and design. It further offers lighting, flooring, graphics, round trip shipping, and installation and dismantling.

Next Level Designs’ inventories are conveniently located in New Orleans, Las Vegas, Chicago, Orlando, and Riverside, so it offers full turnkey services throughout the country.

Next Level Displays recently expanded its services to include warehousing, so it now offers booth and pallet storage, inventory control, pick and pack, and shipping.

Call Next Level Display at (866) 796-6398 or email at Or, see its website at

See Next Level Display’s latest projects at:

Advantages Of Double Deck Trade Show Booths

Two story exhibit displays or Double Deck Displays keep on growing more fashionable at trade shows. They let you expand and sometimes double your booth space without adding to your budget. They also let you create a separate area for conferences, demos, sales, or whatever you’d like. That’ll make your attendees feel unique and special. Additional advantages include:

o High Visibility. Two story exhibit displays / double deck displays can be seen from any point within the trade show and actually entice attendees. Think of how city skyscrapers and modern high-rise apartments draw in sightseers. Think, too, of double-decker English buses. They’re so iconic and distinct. People all around the world want to ride them.

o Prominence. Such displays portray your company as a stable, knowledgeable, industry leader.Image is important in business. Positive ones retain customers and oftentimes boost, sales and profits. Negative ones send customers to competitors.

o Creative Freedom. With two levels, you have more design options and room for graphics and visuals. You can contemplate and attempt that weren’t realistic, feasible,or practical in a single level booth.

Next Level Displays

Next Level Displays is the leading trade show expert. It can custom-make Two story exhibit displays / double deck displays as per your requirements. Such booths begin at 10×10 and go up to double deck.The displays will impress attendees and competitors. They can be purchased or rented.

Next Level Displays additionally offers Truss Displays, which also come in two-level designs. Truss Displays are extremely durable, come in an array of styles, are versatile, and let your visitors browse freely. Plus, they look amazing.

As well, Next Level Display’s in-house graphics department can create stunning eye-catching banners, photo panels, face mounts, and vinyl graphics to make such all these displays and booths standout even more.

Next Level Displays further offers Custom Trade show Exhibits, Rental Trade Show Booths, Portable Trade show Displays,Pop-Up Displays, Banner Stand Displays, and Trade Show Accessories. Plus, it offers lighting, flooring, shipping, installation and dismantling services.

No matter your display need or desire or whether your company is large or small, Next Level Displays will fully prepares you and provides your every need.

For assistance with Two story exhibit displays / double deck displays or any other trade show need, call Next Level Display at (866) 796-6398 or email


Make an Impression

When you exhibit at a trade show, your objective is to make an impression – a lasting impression. You do that through your exhibits and displays. One way to gain attention to your wares and/or services is to have Custom trade show displays. Such are uniquely yours and certainly make lasting impressions.

Two-Story Exhibit Displays

One of the best ways to make great, lasting impressions is through double-deck or Two-Story Exhibit Displays.

Two-Story Exhibit Displays really “pack a punch.” They take advantage of all the room in your booth without the need to rent additional space and leave the rest of your area open to meet potential clients and showcase additional exhibits. They come in a range of sizes and can be custom made.

Next Level Displays

Next Level Displays is the leading tradeshow expert. It’s your one-stop, online professional, providing your every trade show need, at every price point. It can design Two-Story Exhibit Displays to your specifications.

Custom Trade Show Displays

Next Level Displays also makes Custom Trade Show Displays. These displays are created solely for you and your business, upon your specifications, and within your budget. They also look different than the rest. That’s because they reflect your individuality.

Custom exhibits are ideal for embracing your individuality because they allow you to incorporate the creative elements that distinguish your business from the others at the trade show. Your trade show objectives usually govern your Custom Trade Show Display design. If you want to highlight your services, you might want to include those in your display. If you want to focus on a certain product, you may choose to use that in your display. The display, thus, can be tailored in any way you see fit. Your design team will be most happy to work with you.

Some of the Custom Trade Show Displays that Next Level Displays offers include:

Tension Fabric Displays: this popular display works by stretching a custom made fitted fabric over a lightweight frame. The result is modern and bold.

• Pop Up Displays: there are several from which to choose. Some include tables, skirts, stabilizer feet and halogen lighting, as well as bold, graphic custom made fabrics.

• Banner Stands: these are a trade show must. Next Level Displays has several kinds from which to choose, including including retractable, portable, and graphic. You can also add a stand and/or use a few to fashion a vivid back wall.

• Truss Displays: these are very easy to put together and come in an assortment of bold colors.

Next Level Displays offers more than just Two-Story Exhibit Displays and Custom Trade Show Displays. It meets all your tradeshow needs. It designs and builds all kinds of displays for purchase and/or rental, all around your precise requirements.

It also offers full, turnkey (ready made) rental packages that cover all your tradeshow requirements from concept to completion, as well as all the additional following needs:

• shipping, including distance shipping and from warehouse to tradeshow location

• installation

• dismantling

• supervision

• storage

• refurbishing

• graphics

Next Level Displays’ skilled staff, services, and products will exceed all your expectations and stay well within your budget. While it is centrally located in Irvine, CA, its inventories are located in Las Vegas, New Orleans, Orlando, Chicago and Riverside, CA., so it offers a full range of turnkey services from coast to coast. Contact one of its consultants today.